About Us

Since the formation of Holywood Family Trust in 2001 we have worked to make a positive difference in the lives of people we encounter.

We are a community-based Charity and Company limited by Guarantee, that started when a group of volunteers inspired by their Christian faith and care for the community wanted to support local needs through providing a childcare service. In 2004 supported by the leadership of Holywood Christian Fellowship and the use of their premises, our community Charity was formed and registered. We started to grow our SEHSCT registered childcare service and the following year we opened our free adult Counselling Service and shortly after that our Youth work project. 

We have grown over the years, and value the contribution that our staff members and volunteers make to our activities, including the strong governance by our Volunteer Board.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide services at our Centre and beyond, offering help and support to the community when they experience issues in their lives, through people who are trained and equipped, that contributes to a more inclusive community.

This is carried out through Counselling, Childcare, Youth Work, Training, Good Relations, Community activities, Volunteering Opportunities and Partnership working.

Our Strategic Priorities are to: 

• Provide specific activities to assist in the mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing of individuals and families.

• Undertake learning activities to help socially disadvantaged people make healthier choices and to train staff and volunteers.

• Facilitate activities and events that promote social inclusion of the entire community and create reconciliation opportunities.

• Provide high quality child care and youth activities. 

• Work in partnership and within networks to achieve our aims.

Our Values

Holywood Family Trust (HFT) subscribes to the Faithworks Charter (as incorporate in the Government’s 2008 white paper on commissioning with the third sector) written to provide principles for Churches and local faith-based ethos organisations committed to excellence in community work and service provision in the UK. As in the charter HFT is motivated by our Christian Faith and we are committed to serve others by aspiring to the following standards in all our charitable services:

• To provide an Inclusive service to our community

• To value all individuals in a way that is consistent with our distinctive Christian ethos.

• To develop a Professional approach to management, practice and funding.


Our Specific Strategic Objectives are:

Children Providing high quality childcare through our After-School Club (childcare), addressing the need for safe affordable childcare, targeting low income families and those in need. Providing Playgroup activities for Pre-school children, parents and carers within the local community.

Youth – Providing youth work provision, for ‘at risk’/SEN/NEET youth). Offer youth work programmes, drop-in and structured activities, targeted provision for at risk (of paramilitary involvement) youth from the Holywood, Kilcooley, Conlig and Clandeboye areas.

Well-being -Addressing the issues of mental health and emotional wellbeing of adults by providing self-referral, free Counselling services, with a confidential help line and signposting.

Education and Training -Responding to issues of adult education, training and information sharing within the community.

Inclusion & Community Development -Providing enhanced opportunities for volunteering and training of volunteers and retain Investing in Volunteers accreditation.

Networks & Partnerships –Developing strong networks in the areas of children, youth (cross community), health & wellbeing, minority groups and with the statutory, community and faith sectors.