
We can at times in our lives experience emotional distress that is triggered by a personal or family crisis.

While some people have the personal resources and support of others to get through their problems and difficulties, other choose to get help from a qualified professional counsellor.

Our Counsellors

Our Counsellors

At Holywood Family Trust we offer counselling for a wide range of issues and can also help signpost you to other service we think may be of help.

All our counsellors are professionally trained and have a wide range of work and life experience.

We have a diverse and dedicated team of professionally trained and accredited counsellors who will listen to you in a supportive non-judgmental way and create space to help you to start to see things more clearly and make positive changes.

We are a BACP accredited service meaning we have demonstrated our commitment to offering a confidential, professional, ethical service which is open to all the community.

Our Services

Adult Counselling

We provide face-to-face counselling for adults (18+ with no upper age limit)

Adult sessions are provided at our Centre in Holywood, however we also offer counselling at venues in Bangor, Kircubbin, Newtownards and Comber if travelling to Holywood is not possible for you.

Youth Counselling 

We also provide counselling for young people age 13-18 in partnership with other youth counselling agencies, (RelateTEEN NI, The Big House, UHub and The Net Youth Project.)


We aim to offer the highest possible standards with regard to counselling confidentiality. What you talk about to your counsellor is kept in confidence and this is an essential aspect of building trust in the counselling relationship.

However, there are occasions when counselling confidentiality may have to be overridden because of risk to you or others and to uphold Children and Vulnerable Adult protection laws. There are also times when legal requirements require counselling services to disclose information.


“I feel I have much better coping strategies following the sessions”

“I feel much calmer and able to deal with any stress using skills I have acquired”

“I have a much better understanding of myself and I feel much happier”

Opening Hours

We are currently open Monday to Thursday each week.

We do not always have someone to take your call but please do leave a message on our confidential number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Counselling appointments are normally 50- 60 minutes.

Contact Us

Contact us by telephone on our confidential line 028 9042 7214, or by completing our self-referral form below.

As soon as we receive your referral we will contact you by telephone to arrange the next step.