
Providing a happy, safe, warm and stimulating environment for all children to play, learn and develop freely.

After Schools for primary school aged children

Holywood After School Club is a place where your child will be valued, listened to and develop a sense of belonging. Our aim is to help and encourage your child to develop responsibility for themselves and their actions and to become competent, confident, independent individuals. Encouraging them to have a positive attitude and respect for both themselves and other people.

Download our Play Policy

We provide wrap around childcare for up to 47 weeks in the year and additional cover for school closures and holiday periods. This means when you register with us you sign up for care all year round.

We provide a collection service from schools within walking distance.

Our policies and procedures follow the guidance of the ‘Childminding and Day Care for Children Under Age 12 Minimum Standards’. A copy of all the Clubs Policies and Procedures are available to our service users.

We have been registered with the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT) for over 20 years, to care for up to 90 children (throughout the year) on Monday through to Friday. Their Early Years Team (specialist team of social workers) are responsible for the registration, inspection, monitoring and support of childminders and day care providers, and carry out an inspection at our facility each year. (Early Years Teams). They monitor the suitability of our premises and equipment ensuring they are safe; the suitability of the staff providing care and the standard of care being offered. Our Club meets all service standards and offers a professional service. A copy of our annual inspection report is displayed within our Club.

Times & Ages

The Club opens from 2.00pm—5.30pm (5.45pm last collection) for children from Primary 1 to Primary 7. We are based at 108 High Street, Holywood and we provide play opportunities for children with a wide range of planned and free play activities both indoors and outdoors (in local parks). We have 3 playrooms on the 1st floor (with disability access) and a large Community Hall. 


At our Club your child will have the freedom to choose from many activities, structured and unstructured. With a mix of active time where they can play, and quiet times where they can relax, or do their homework. Our activities include: Art, Music, Drama/Role Play, Dance/Movement, Cookery, Craft, Gardening, Photography and Cultural Awareness. We visit local parks, the library, the beach and on rainy days we can still run around in our large Community Hall.

We share our activities each day to parents/carers on our Seesaw App. 

Our qualified staff team provide supervision and the level of staff interaction is carefully balanced, giving the children times to play whilst initiating activities and learning independently.

The Club provides healthy snacks 4 days a week, which consist of breads; crackers; sandwiches; fruit and fresh water or milk to drink. This is in line with the Childcare Minimum Standards.


For more information please contact Childcare Team Leader Sarah Grimes on 075 3076 2895
or email